Congratulations 2024 NEA Nominees!

Rita Abboud Christa Akerfelds Hannah Allen Wasim Alsamah
Marisa Anaya Amy Armbruster Susie Arredondo Maria Atencio
Anthony Baca Roy Banuag Hugo Barrazza Lorna Bauer
Brenda Beck Danielle Beck Carissa Belcher Danielle Berd
Allison Bergdoll Marlene Betonie Kimberly Beyer Samantha Biela
Lori Bigelow Jessie Black Hillary Blea Megan Breeden
Megan Breer Alexander Bucuvalas Julius Bustamante Matthew Callow
Victoria Calvillo Angela Campbell Alexis Candelaria Robert Carter
Shannon Casillas Melissa Charlie Alejandra Chavarria Edward Chavez
Andriena Chavez Daymonique Chavez Charles Chavez Briana Chavez
Lisa Chavez Dora Michelle Chenoweth Anna Cibils Erin Cillessen
Mariko Cohen Dana Condrey Stephanie Cordova Danielle Crich
Erin Crosby Adam Crosby Jenee Crow Christiane Cruz
Abby Cullen Catherine Cunningham Lydia Daves-Purdy Leigh-Anne Davis
Sarah Davis Sara Daykin Meghan Deitz Michelle Denetclaw-Livingston
Denise DeRosa Kathleen Dolan-Cox Sandra Donohoe Christine Drapeau
Tessa Drinkard Sheena Ferguson Cullen Field-Vujosevic Krystal Flores
Frances Fonseca Ivan Fronefield Jeanine Fuller Maria Fuqua Hutton
June Gallegos Katherine Gallegos Ashley Gallegos Dawn Gerencer
Kara Gitliotti Katie Goldsmith Becky Gonzales Laticia Gonzales
Reyna Gonzales Samantha Gonzales-Smith Gloria Gonzalez Claudia Gonzalez
Ruth Gonzalez Jacinta Granillo Cacy Griffin Benita Grijalva-Sanchez
Katherine Grimard Melissa Grosso Margaret Gurule Amber Gutierrez
Kym Halliday-Clear Tanya Harris Lyz Hathhorn Morgan Helums Kiddoo
Mariaelena Hernandez Allison Herrera Maranda Herrera-Marquez Seana Hicks
Devin Holmes Jennifer Hopper Brandy Jeter-Flores Chandra Jimenez
Ernestina Jimenez Eugenia Johns Veronica Johnson Jacqueline Kaiser
Imran Khan Tess Kindred Melissa Lacy  Nancy Laster
Alieset Lee Ricardo Leyba Jessica Lopez Teresa Lopez
Audra Lovato Layla Loveless Anita Lozano Sonya Lucero
Mary Magnusson Karen Martell Andi Martinez Beverly Martinez
Katherine Matthews Shanna McCracken Lucresia Miller Candi Miller-Morris
Deborah Minke JoAlice Moe Megan Molinari Trisha Mondragon
Brian Montano Roseann Montoya Nerrisa Morales Pamela Morales
Gaby Morales Janelle Moya Mary Hazelyn Nabong Amber Nafus
Monica Nagahiro Leah Neergaard Christy Nelson Jerry Nickles
Marie Nix Laurie Norine Angelina Nunez Jennifer O'Rourke
Eva Ontiveros Sheila Ortiz-Timm Sonrisa Ortiz Y Garcia Annika Page
John Pagett Michelle Papp Lee Paul Jeanine Peek
Fabian Pescado Fabian Pescador Tracey Pope Nikayla Potter
Grace Prochnow Raquel Quarrell Brandy Quintana Abigail Redwood
Micah Relaford Angelica Renteria-Helms Bianca Reyes Alexa Reyes
Dominic Rodriguez Julie Rodriguez Jessica Romero Kristi Romero
Camille Ashlyn Roybal Kenneth Ryan Melissa Salas Christina Salazar (Gurule)
Paola Salcido Archi San Andres Stephanie Sanchez Gerald Sanchez
Cecilia Sanchez Lisa Schultz Lois Schumacher  Mikayla Schutte
Nicole Scotto Angela Sells Lisa Sena Jacqueline Silva
Claire Simpson Monika Singh Brandy Smith John Stevenson
Christina Suggs Ethan Swanberg Lan Tat Lisa M. Taylor
Madison Taylor-Hayden DaleannTerrell Kasey Thibodeau Christopher Torres
Meagan Tozier Jaclyn Trujeque Cherly Underwood Stacy Urioste
Roberta Valdez Robyn Valdez Monika Valdez Sarah Vela
Julie Vigil Mia Vigil-Archibeque Raquel Villagran Lindsay Wagner
Jody Wagner Anna Wallin Brianna Ware Maurria Whipple
Jennifer White Erin White Megan Whitehouse  Janice Whyte
Mia Wiggins Tiffany Winters  Ariel Zack  

Join Us in Honoring These Incredible Nurses

Saturday, April 12, 2025 at Sandia Resort & Casino
30 Rainbow Road, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87113
Map and Directions

The evening begins with a Welcome Reception at 5:30 p.m., followed by Dinner and the Awards Program at 7:00 p.m.
Join us in celebrating this year's New Mexico nurse heroes! This gala honors nominees in 22 nursing specialty categories, as well as Legends in Nursing and Friends of Nursing. The New Mexico Nursing Excellence Awards recognize outstanding contributions to nursing practice, celebrating nurses who positively impact their organizations, communities, and the state. Since its creation in 2005, these awards—by nurses, for nurses—have honored over 3,300 New Mexico nurse nominees.
Come celebrate these inspiring individuals and the difference they make in healthcare every day. Nursing Excellence Award recipients will be announced and recognized during the evening’s program.
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